How we choose tutors
All tutors are reviewed and screened by the GoPeer team
Every tutor applicant is reviewed and screened by the GoPeer team. When evaluating tutors, we look for prior tutoring or teaching experience, subject expertise, and a desire to help other students. We require that all tutors are enrolled in a 4-year college or university.
All communication with tutors occurs within the GoPeer platform
All communication with tutors occurs within the GoPeer platform. This includes all messages with tutors before, during, and after the tutoring lesson. Because student-tutor communication should never happen outside our site, the GoPeer team is able to monitor and flag any potentially inappropriate messages and take immediate action if needed.
Lesson Locations
We take safety incredibly seriously, and want to ensure that both tutors and students have awesome and safe tutoring experiences! So, the GoPeer team pre-screens and verifies safe tutoring locations by looking at a range of factors, including accessibility, safety, and availability. On our platform, users have the ability to host their tutoring sessions at any of our pre-screened locations. If none of our pre-screened locations work for you, you will have the ability to request new tutoring locations. Once you request a new tutoring location, it will go through our vetting and safe location screening process.
Responsive and engaging support, 7 days/week
The GoPeer team is available 7 days a week to respond to any questions, concerns, or ideas.
Background Checks
All GoPeer tutors have been background checked, by Checkr, Inc. Checkr provides modern and compliant background checks for global enterprises and startups. Checkr is one of the most trusted and respected background check providers in the country.
Adherence to the GoPeer Honor Code.
Safety on GoPeer also includes protecting students and tutors from actions that might hurt their academic integrity. We stand by the GoPeer Honor Code and require our tutors and students to follow it.
GoPeer Security
GoPeer is committed to providing site users with a safe and secure experience. We respect your privacy and have implemented industry-standard best practices to help keep your personal information safe whenever you use our service.
Internet Security
To combat internet fraud and common scams, GoPeer uses HTTPS encryption on all pages where you submit personal information. This is a common practice on bank and credit card websites since it keeps your information safe when you use a wireless or non-encrypted network. As an additional level of security, we encrypt all personal information in our system for safekeeping.
You can help keep GoPeer secure, too. Always keep your username and password safe and remember to close your internet browser after each visit to the site.
Customer Service
We have devoted significant time and resources to the development and improvement of this site and service. If you have any questions or complaints about the security measures on the site, please contact us. We promptly respond to all security questions and will work to address any concerns you may have.